Craigslist ads, Facebook posts and The Negev’s own website tout 219 Sixth St. as the epitome of modern communal living in San Francisco — a like-minded group of people dedicated to entrepreneurship, engineering, weekly tech talks, family dinners and partying. While that might be true, there is a different side to life behind the bright-red metal gate of The Negev Sixth. Nearly all tenants in the single-room-occupancy building — mostly in their 20s and newcomers…
Read MoreHousing
January 10, 2016
A new answer for the homeless? Homes
Last winter, Kelly Breitenbach and her three kids, homeless for
December 02, 2014
First Negev tech commune in SF also faced legal problems
September 23, 2013
Ellis Act evictions changing landscape of San Francisco housing
Crime / Courts
April 20, 2017
Santa Ana police chief resigns amid controversy over rise in shootings, says he has new job
Santa Ana Police Chief Carlos Rojas has announced his resignation,
December 04, 2015